About us
Prof. Marcin Jurgilewicz, Ph.D.

University lecturer, author and co-author of many publications concerning, among others, mediation, safety, road traffic, energy safety, environmental protection, and selected issues in administrative and criminal law. Issues legal opinions, expert opinions, including those concerning accidents and road collisions, participates in mediations. Selected publications:

1. M. Jurgilewicz, J. Witas, Postępowanie w sprawach cywilnych (Proceedings in civil cases), Warsaw 2015.

2. M. Jurgilewicz, A. Dana, Mediacja jako sposób rozwiązywania sporów prawnych (Mediation as a way of solving legal disputes), Warsaw 2015.

3. M. Jurgilewicz, Mediacja w administracji publicznej – wybrane problemy [w:] Nowe zjawiska w administracji publicznej, Prace studialne Warszawskiego Seminarium Aksjologii Administracji, (Mediation in public administration – selected problems [in:] New phenomena in public administration, study works of the Warsaw Seminar for Axiology in Administration) Z. Cieślak, A. Kosieradzka-Federczyk (ed.), Warsaw 2015.

4. M. Jurgilewicz, Rola mediacji w rozwiązywaniu sporów gospodarczych [w:] Państwo. Prawo. Bezpieczeństwo (The role of mediation in solving economic disputes [in:] State. Law. Security), Volume I, under the scientific editorship of A. Babinski, M. Jurgilewicz, N. Malec, Szczytno 2015.

5. M. Jurgilewicz, O. Jurgilewicz, Administracyjnoprawne zagadnienia ochrony powietrza, (Administrative and legal issues in air quality protection), Warsaw 2014.

6. M. Jurgilewicz et al. Aspekty zarządzania środowiskiem w praktyce inżynierskiej (Aspects of environmental management in engineering practice), Rzeszów 2013.

7. M. Jurgilewicz et al. Prawne aspekty bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego (Legal aspects of road traffic safety), Warsaw 2011

For business
Enforcement proceedings, restructuring, and bankruptcy
Contracts and commercial transactions
Commercial real estate
Capital Markets
Corporate law (corporate services)
Tender procedures (public procurement)
Dispute resolution, litigation, arbitration proceedings
For individuals
Dissolution of joint ownership
Division of property
Foreign currency loans
Inheritance law
Divorce cases
Consumer bankruptcy
Criminal cases
Family and guardianship law
Real estate matters
Kamil Jurczewski
Martyna B. Szczygielska
Prof. Marcin Jurgilewicz, Ph.D.
Wojciech Kępka-Mariański
Magdalena Nowosadzka